Lev********** 비회원
Please don’t pollute the Ocean
Mik* 비회원
Fu ******* 비회원
Ö*********** 비회원
Pin*********** 비회원
Do not let the planet's ocean be nuked. Stop this massacre which lasts for decades...In just 10 years that radioactive water will reach everywhere in the world. Imagine how S.Korea, China, and nations in the Pacific will suffer from your not stopping this violation of the right to live healthily.
wcs*** 비회원
樱** 비회원
咩* 비회원
禁止排放核废水!! !
y. 비회원
Ali** 비회원
If Japanese government, UN, and government of all countries around the world still have any conscience and willingness to protect our planet earth, the wide diversity of marine species, and the overall welfare of global citizens, please stand out to stop the reckless and irresponsible action of Japanese government’s plan for dumping the nuclear wastewater in any form! Thanks for anyone who is willing to defend against this malicious action!
xnf* 비회원
lun************ 비회원
lun************ 비회원
Please don’t dump the water! in 30 years most plants and human will die from your actions. acknowledge the consequences that YOU have brought to your citizens. DO NOT DUMP THE WATER. This is an act of violation of our rights and the safety of the food chain and oceans. It will be a large impact. Think before you act!
Chl** 비회원
Zhu***** 비회원
邢** 비회원
Ann 비회원
Joy** 비회원
Please stop violating our human rights and the Ocean
Joh******** 비회원
No nucleare waste of any description to be put into our oceans
Zha** 비회원
Kel**** 비회원
As an human being, it’s my responsibility to protect the environment, we may in different countries but we live in the same planet
JIE** 비회원
Please don't pollute the world any more. There is only one earth. It is everyone's duty to protect the environment. Please
Viv******** 비회원
Please protect the water
Man**** 비회원
you want all people die let do it.you is a so selfish .You are a selfish demon.
Oli*** 비회원