艾** 비회원
罗** 비회원
Emm** 비회원
Please save the world ocean! For all of world citizens
Keu************** 비회원
匿*** 비회원
韦** 비회원
不****** 비회원
Jac* 비회원
Dumping nuclear waste into the ocean is harmful for everyone
lis* 비회원
stop it!
Ali** 비회원
Stop it !!!!
Zho******* 비회원
Protest against acts against humanity! Down with imperialism! Protest the hegemony of food and water resources! Overthrow the U.S. Food and Water Hegemony Conspiracy!
宋** 비회원
劉** 비회원
Please stop it
Den* 비회원
Please stop it!
Li **** 비회원
Ocean is our human comune risorse, please let us protect it together.
Wen********* 비회원
Please stop harming the human ocean!The sea belongs to the whole human civilization and the earth, not to Japan!It is irresponsible for Japan to do so!Resolutely resist the discharge of nuclear sewage!The world can live without Japan, but not without the ocean.
荷* 비회원
Bea**** 비회원
Please protect our mother Earth!
Moo**** 비회원
Resist Japan's release of untreated nuclear contaminated water; the ocean belongs to all of humanity, not just Japan. Japan is not qualified to discharge such water into the ocean. Resist Japan's misconduct!!! Resist Japan's misconduct!!! Resist Japan's misconduct!!!
陈* 비회원
你************* 비회원
如今,日本将于2023年8月中旬排放核污水,海洋危在旦夕了,地球危在旦夕了。核污水中含有大量放射性元素,如若排海,则将影响海洋生态系统,导致海洋生态平衡的破坏,进一步加剧气候恶劣化、反常化,还会蒸发进入大气,破坏地球,危害人类。 为了让我们的子孙后代能够幸福的生活,还能够见到湛蓝的海洋,为了我们唯一的家园不会被破坏。为此我们发出强烈抗议,并做出以下提议: 一、日本必须停止核污水排海行动; 二、以安全、不危害其他国国家的方式,妥善处理核污水; 三、全世界的同盟者联合起来,坚决抵制日本排放核污水入海。 为了我们的子孙后代,为了人类共同的家园,为了国际社会的安稳。我们坚决抵制日本排放核污水!保护地球!
赵* 비회원
林** 비회원
We can't just sit back and wait for death. We should fight against the conspiracies of the governments of Japan, South Korea and the United States, and wield the hammer of the people against their foolish wishful thinking.
lin 비회원