Kin******** 비회원
Fuck you Japan
Joa* 비회원
its not JP's Earth, its ours.
Haz** 비회원
Save ocean and the world PLEASE
M.K*** 비회원
lk 비회원
Do not pollute the earth, do not harm innocent life. Japanese government you are a disgrace to humanity. United Nations, you don't care about Japan, do you honor your conscience and your beliefs?
Hui***** 비회원
V 비회원
fuck you japanese,eat your mother‘s pussy
韦** 비회원
Jim 비회원
摆** 비회원
Please stop violate Our Human Rights and Ocean.
费** 비회원
宁* 비회원
Environmental pollution,deliberate Destroy all mankind
Esp****************** 비회원
No to Japan's ocean dumping of nuclear wastewater: Please stop violate Our Human Rights and Ocean.
Chl** 비회원
十* 비회원
Wen********* 비회원
Please stop polluting the ocean!
韦** 비회원
Fre**** 비회원
Jon****** 비회원
世界可以没有日本 但是不可以没有海洋 世界可以沒有日本 但是不可以沒有海洋 The japan is can die,but sea can't die
don********** 비회원
Resolutely resist Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea! The world can do without Japan, but not without the ocean!
Dan****** 비회원
刘** 비회원
Eco 비회원
No more word games! You are not piping!!