金** 비회원
Kob******** 비회원
I hope Japan will stop this inhumane behavior
Ton* 비회원
Seu****** 비회원
It is not proven that it is safe to release Fukushima wastewater into the ocean. If you believe it is safe, why don't you use the so-called "treated water" as agricultural water in Japan? Please stop violate Our Human Rights and Ocean.
Jam*********** 비회원
Nuclear Power plants are too dangerous to humans and all life on Planet Earth. All dumping of radioactive water or any other type of nuclear reactor waste must forever cease NOW!
L 비회원
fan***** 비회원
It is hoped that Japan will stop discharging nuclear waste water.
fan******* 비회원
It is hoped that Japan will stop discharging nuclear waste water.
Luj**** 비회원
In order to save that little money, the senior management of the Japanese government discharged nuclear sewage into the beautiful ocean, which opened my eyes! It is only a matter of time before nuclear sewage spreads in the oceans around the world, which harms the creatures in the oceans and harms the interests of the world. As a Chinese, for historical reasons, I don‘t have a good impression of Japan as a small country. The previous generation of Japan engaged in aggression, and this generation discharged nuclear sewage. Every generation is really bad and thorough! I don’t understand and I don‘t respect it. Japan is still playing the ”word game“ there, such as nuclear wastewater, which is obviously nuclear sewage. Two different concepts! Nuclear wastewater is condensed water, and nuclear sewage contains hundreds of radioactive elements, including a large number of lethal elements. Throwing into the sea is a chronic suicide! Our country is already resisting all products and brands imported from Japan. I really hope that Mount Fuji in Japan will erupt and destroy this small country that has done all the bad things. This bad hope, I am a little extreme. In the last sentence, I curse the senior leaders of Japan, and future generations will think that nuclear radiation will mutate, which is painful and pay for the evil deeds of their predecessors. I don’t know English myself. I rely on a translator. If the meaning of some sentences is a little messy, I‘m sorry.
Gre************* 비회원
Dumping the Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific Ocean is not justifiable so no one really knows how it could affect the food chain, so don't do it! TEPCO's claim that they don't have anymore space to store it is a lie!
jay*** 비회원
ear***** 비회원
go die Japan
kc 비회원
Please stop violate Our Human Rights and Ocean.
Tae********* 비회원
Gra***** 비회원
Stop the waste water!! This is a crime! Save the earth we are living in!!
日****** 비회원
谷** 비회원
贺** 비회원
熊** 비회원
gnh* 비회원
Alb*** 비회원
Japanese stop polluting the oceans!!
Jan**** 비회원
易** 비회원
bel*** 비회원
Please stop violate Our Human Rights and Ocean.
Mic********* 비회원